
By Sparky

Busy day

The street light at the front of the house switches off at 7.20am, I was already awake.
Breakfast with the kids, DD had left over pizza and orange juice, DS wandered around the cupboards for a while before having cereal, the first load of washing was gugging away. The dishwasher emptied and began to refill, while I ate my cereal. Did a bit of research on utilities, bought home contents insurance, hung up first load of washing, put the second load in (DS's fencing kit from the weekend).
Second hot drink, and then off to the library, back via the veg shop and then off to the supermarket, I decided that today was the day to buy essentials for winter holiday before the next lot of snow descends on Sheffield. Loaded up the recycling, drove to the supermarket.Emptied the recycling, moved the car, filled a trolley, parked it, got another trolley, partly filled it, paid, had help to push two trolleys to the car! Home, unpacked the car with DS helping, had to leave to get to a meeting across town, leaving DS and DD to finish the unpacking, putting away and cooking tea. I though the meeting would take 1 1/2 hours, I sat in traffic for 40 minutes, urgh. Late for the meeting all down to people doing their xmas shopping at meadowhell apparently, although its miles away.
The meeting was to help the schools sports partnership team reposition themselves by March, when all their funding is withdrawn. They are the team who set up city wide competitions, organise sports days, train and support teachers, bring outside agencies into the mix, negotiate with venues, and a whole lot more. Well if the government think teachers are going to be able to pick up this slack, for free, they are sadly mistaken. The team are going to register as a charity and see if they can continue the good work, this relies on schools paying for their services, and the schools will not be given the budget.

Snatched a mince pie as I ran for the door at the end of the meeting as I had to get home to sign up for broadband, phone and TV at the new house.
Kids had cooked a lovely tea, but I missed eating with them as the traffic was just as bad on the way home.

Talked to a lovely man, signed the contract.

Ate my tea, watched the first episode of the street with DD. the 3 of us raced downstairs to tidy up and finish putting the shopping away, including some stuff in a R. A. T. proof box so it could go in the cellar!!
Second episode of the street, followed by Miranda, which makes DD and I really LOL, not just smirk, to say 'that's funny' but laugh out loud.

Ok, some of you might have noticed, I commented on a few blips this morning when I should have been organising my new utilities.

Nearly bedtime :)

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