Back in 5. Or tomorrow.

By mly

Snow glitter bokeh

After last week's hectic but fun schedule with rehearsals, parties and concerts (and working as usual of course), this Monday felt almost surreal to me! At least it was a gorgeous day weather wise, and I remembered to bring my camera to work with me, which enabled me to do a lunch time photo walk in the crispy, cold air admiring the glittering snow and ice.

Tonight I'm feeling decidedly under the weather though. I think a cold is lurking, and thus am curled up on the sofa under a woolly blanket with a cat on each side. Should have been off dancing with A (lindy hop of course), but he had to go alone since I didn't feel up to it. Unfortunately tomorrow is not a good time for staying at home being ill, so I'll just have to get up at 5:15 as usual and get on that bus... Hoping it doesn't get any worse over night! Keep your fingers crossed for me, please!

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