
By Nenz

Symphony in white....

....a curvy, blurry, soft, photo of hope. This is my bean plant up close. I like watching my vegetable garden take shape.

Today was a drizzly old one : ), sticky hot at the same time, hurray for summer! It is a funny time of the year, and I like to reflect on the year almost ending. It will take me a few days to look back on the high lights of 2010, some sad moments, many major changes in the family, anyway, not one I just spit out in a few sentences. I have to brew on it and make changes along the line, just like life takes shape on any other day of any other year I suppose?

It has proven to be a challenge to thank all of the congrats in person but still working away on it.

Have a cozy evening and lots of smiles for day time!

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