Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Yummy Leaves...

...Not yummy berries, apparently.

Ok. Is there a scientific theory somewhere which might explain why there are so many hours less in each day the nearer we are to Christmas?

At last I've done some Christmas shopping.

Parcels are arriving and cluttering up the hall quicker than I can dispose of the packing in the appropriate bit of our recycling system.

And I haven't wrapped anything yet!

Is it just me, or do you notice that the people who remain laid back about Christmas (and who are, incidentally, often inclined to tell one 'stop stressing') are not usually the people who make any decisions, whatsoever, about who's receiving what, and how/when it's going to arrive safely under their tree??

Aargh. Blipping or Christmas? (Daddy or chips???)

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