this lovely life

By kellyrenee

brainstorming copy

Here it is, the ultra-secret unveiling of how I come up with such brilliant copy. Hahahahaha......

I was writing a copy block for a website I work with and had to come up with product description for a photographers body of work. These scratchings make no sense at this point, but the random thoughts jump-started my brain and the end result was effective. I promise.

Today is a new day. Yesterday I wrote, made a connection with a subject for another feature story, knocked a crap-load of stuff off my to-do list, and learned a whole bunch about a lot of stuff that may or may not assist me in future endeavors.

In all, a very productive day. Hoping for more of the same for the next few hours. At the moment, though, I have every warm article of clothing I own strewn across my bed as I prepare for traveling to a much colder clime. Brrrr.... my hands are cold just thinking about it. I can't wait!

One thing I'm a bit sad about: I missed the meteor shower last night. I kinda sorta looked for shooting stars (falling meteors) as I was getting into bed, then I kinda sorta looked again this morning when I woke up. I wish I had made more of an effort. I have a friend in Texas who said it was amazing.

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