Jessie Tree

By jessietree

Hoodie ASBO

Dan turned up today with his new coat.
What has happened to the youth of today?
When I was a teenager we all wore duffle coats and Mary Jane sandals.

We didnt really, I always got the handmedowns from 2 big brothers.
The parkers coats were always interesting cause they were not only the old style ones that zipped up to create a tunnel coming out of your face but they were always Joe rejects.
The pockets were either full of furry old sweets or one of my mums best forks that had had all of the prongs, bar one, removed. This final lonely prong had then been filed to a lovely sharp point.
He still hasn't told me what he did with them but the police did come knocking a few times......

I wonder what will be left in the pockets of this coat when Daisy has it handed down to her?

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