
(I don't blame anyone for not wanting to read this btw).

Went into Kevin's work tonight to pick him up as he was doing a bit of late work. That place is quite spooky at night. It's vastness combined with the deep pockets of darkness in the dusty prop filled corners make it very scary indeed.

This is a piece of set for the next show, Arthur Miller's A View from the Bridge.

I didn't blip yesterday because I had a busy nerve wracking day. I had my first Care Commission inspection as a childminder. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought and the CCO who did the inspection was pleasant and very understanding. I hadn't known what to expect so I've been worrying for weeks knowing it was coming up. It's all paperwork paperwork paperwork and these people speak a language I'm not familiar with. It took two hours but went pretty well and I'd received good feedback from the parents.

..........Then! I became the worst childminder in the world. I was a couple of minutes late in picking up one of my charges from school. This was due to not being able to push a buggy (with the 2 1/2 year old sibling of said charge in it) up the path to the school, there's still thick pitted ice covering the entire path all the way to the school. I had to carry the wee thing and found i'd missed the first bell. When I got there, my charge wasn't there. There were no teachers standing at the door like there usually is. They had just let him out and he was wandering around the playground looking for me. I didn't know this and went into the school to get him, where i was told he'd been picked up. I told them that it was me who picked him up on a monday. I was starting to panic. The teachers didn't seem too concerned.......it was really really horrible. The second bell had gone and J would be coming out too. I ran into the playground shouting on him. Someone said they'd seen him.

Then I found him standing next to J.

Such a good boy.

I'm very angry with the school. Letting P1s out without checking who's picking them up.

Then, once at home the wee one vomited all over herself, J's beloved panda and my sofa.

Then this morning whilst taking two children to school, I kind of lost it a bit. I was grumpy and one of them wouldn't walk with me. This irritates the hell out of me. I'm responsible for their safe and punctual journey to school. I asked several times for him to catch up with me and walk beside me. When I was ignored for the 5th time.......I shouted at him to walk with me or I would have to tell his mum that I wouldn't be able to take him to school in the mornings. This worked as he's actually a really lovely boy......he's just an 8 year old boy.

Once I was out of the (angry) zone and calm, I felt terrible. I've spoken to his mum who's going to have a word.

Hope it works.

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