Ferinus vis quod ignarus

By leecarson

The bit where Joseph points at the baby

Busy day today - the boy's nativity in the morning, back to school for school stuff then night 1 of Digital Photography 2 at Telford.

The first was a triumph as you can plainly see. The second was the usual pre-Christmas mix of nativities, invitation making and end of term assessments.

The last was encouraging. Having suffered at the hands of ham-fisted Telford organisation in the past it was with trepidation I handed over more money for one of their "revamped" photography classes.

Well, the organisation is as bad as ever but the class looks like it should be good; tutor Ronnie Baxter seems very down to earth and the course will be studio based with still life and portrait elements. And homework. I should imagine my attempts will be very blip-friendly :-)

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