Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Eye Of The Tiger (Pang)

Enough bullshit, enough of whining and pointless introspection.

Time to shit, or get off the pot.

Spent the evening "networking", in other words calling every motherfucker I know, butting heads and ideas, exploring how livings can be made.

This is not about getting rich.

This is about getting by, and making sure that my Princess is taken care of.

I will sweep streets, shovel shit, clean chimneys or polish shoes, I dont care.

The Princess comes first.

I'm lucky that I have friends who are likeminded, and willing to pool resources to a similar end.

We will win or fail, whatever, but not from lack of energy, innovation or sheer bloodymindedness.

A new paradigm for straightened times, perhaps?

Any or all moneymaking schemes accepted here, the more outlandish, the better.

Thank you in advance.

an addendum; beg, steal or borrow...

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