
By AquilaAudax

Boy on steps above empty pool, Wellington

Walking past the City Gallery I noticed steps descending from a large window into an empty pool. Normally the pool is filled with water. I'm not sure if the steps are an art work, or if there is a connecting piece that bridges the steps to the pavement so that folk can cross without getting their feet wet (when there's water in the pool, of course).

I was seizing up this surreal scene when a little boy appeared. As he clambered over the steps, first up to the window, then down again, I took several frames. He was puzzled by the fact that the steps didn't lead anywhere. So was I.

I took this shot at midday; the sun was high in the sky and to the left of the frame. I can't remember if I used a polarising filter to cope with the glare on the pool's surface.

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