Obviously my mind has been busy with other things today as I almost forgot that today was my 1000th posting! (It would have been yesterday had it not been for the hiccup I had on December 23rd last year when I lost virtually all my images including the one for that day! Fortunately, I've managed to recover most of them from sources elsewhere.....except for the 23rd December which remains the only omission in my otherwise consecutive 1000 blip postings. Darn!!)
So here it is (please mods....allow it!) a montage of a fair portion of my 1000 postings.
For best effect, check it out big.......then check it out even even bigger to see some of the images closeup.
Over the past 1000 (1001!) days I've struggled at times with things but it's always been an absolute pleasure and a delight to get lost in this blip family each evening. Thanks of course go to everyone at blip central for the concept and for making it all happen, but the biggest thanks of all go to everyone who contributes a little piece of their lives each day to make this site the special place that it is.
Onward and forward to tomorrow.........
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