Wandering Gypsie

By WanderingGypsie

How many Firefighters does it take..

to fill in an outdoor skating rink? at last count it was 6-7 haha.

I was driving back home and saw 2 of the local FF getting ready to fill the local rink (seriously like 1/4 mile up the road from me) and was like OOO! BLIP FODDER!!! haha! while sitting, Pheenyx went out and spoke with them, then got back in the rover, then along comes one off duty in his little pick -up with his young son (family tradition?) they're out talking for a bit then get back in the truck and wait (it's 17f out with wind and light flurries) by now 20 mins have passed and i realize
*S#!&* I forgot mom's Dunkin' Donuts stuff! so we sit and watch a bit longer and another 3-4 guys roll up, still the pump isn't going no water coming out of the *dry hydrant* so i'm like we gotta go.. so i put the rover in drive, go get mom's coffee & bagel and by the time we got back they got the water flowing.. so this is the picture i ended up with.. not the one i originally wanted..but all the same it's pretty cool :)

if i'd known it was gonna take as long as it did..i'd have grabbed Alex and brought him down to watch. he would have gotten a kick out of it.

(all joking aside.. thank you to the local Volunteer FD for keeping our community safe :D )

have a good one!

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