Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Film work

So I was in Washington D.C. all last week and am back again this week.

I'm here visiting my good friend Isabelle. Like me, Isabelle is a nomadic free spirit of unconventional ideas. Lately she has been working in the Arabian Peninsula working for Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar. Isabelle is a documentary film maker focusing on topics environmental and social justice oriented. Her "baby" is a film in the works for a couple years now about life living in a trash dump in the Dominican Republic. You can check out some of her work here.

If she looks a little lackluster sad in this photo it's because she is feeling scooped! This film, Waste Land, is about the people who make their living scavenging from the largest garbage dump in Brazil, outside Rio de Janeiro. It was really good and I highly recommend it. Unlike our grassroots documentary budget though this film was backed by one of the most famous artists in Brazil, award winning film makers, and other big names. Needless to say Isabelle is feeling more than a little intimidated...and I don't blame her. As I'm finding out, documentary film is a tall mountain to climb...

I've been invited to D.C. to work on a new film with Isabelle about plastics and the disposable nature of the ultimate disposable on human health, the environment, and our lifestyle. We're in the preproduction stage right now, which is just a fancy way of saying we are doing research. Stay tuned...

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