
They're not pink though!

Bit of a nothing day today - took this while waiting outside hubby's work for him. Bit of fiddling with settings and longer exposures. I like the bus in this one :)

As I'm coming up to my 2 year blipday without a break, I have several observations about it that I've voiced over time. One that gets me every time is that shots you think are good (I thought mine yesterday was) often get very few comments, then other times, you pop on a gap filler and wham, 30 comments. I've not yet sussed it. I'm all ears if anyone knows.

There's some people who consistently get spotlight and 40-50 comments daily no matter what they blip that day, people comment because of the community thing which is as much part of blip as taking photographically correct shots. But sometimes it's also very disheartening seeing rubbish blips with so many and good ones (not me, I follow a few with amazing journals who get next to no comments) with hardly any.

So my conclusions? 2 old sayings really - "It's not what you know, it's who you know" and "you only get out what you put in"

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