RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Roadside Chicken

Once again today's photo is all about food. We walked to local megamart here in Zihuatanejo and could not resist the wonderful smelling chicken from this roadside BBQ shack. Street food is a big deal in many parts of the world and we have become devoted since arriving in this country. We can eat very cheaply at any number of streetside carts, garages, or rooms. The smells emanating from this guys sawed-off 55 gallon drum were awesome. He, of course, spoke no English, so we ended up ordering four quarters (cuatro cuartos) when we thought we were ordering four pieces. We stopped him at three quarters and with the rice and hot sauce that magically came from the garage behind it still only came to a little over $7, which will feed us twice!

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