
By heraldino

Alveus VI

Bad Not-surprising news: - Stalling the investigation

With its long history of covering up its own dirty tracks, it's hardly surprising to find out from WikiLeaks about the Catholic Church's cowardice in dealing with its dark side. I will never understand how it's more important to save the face of a religion than it is to fess up to abuses that have ruined the lives of so many. It goes directly against the grain of what having faith is supposed to bring to people. It proves, yet again, that humans will fail, even when operating within the confines of their self-appointed and created rules.

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Good Encouraging news: - Don't toss that out yet!

Previous generations were much better at the "use everything up" way of thinking, especially if you lived on a farm. With the citifying trend that has ruled for the last fifty years, that way of thinking has all but gone by the wayside. Now, things we used to do as children are touted as 'new' and 'green', part of the wave of green marketing trend that's exploded in the last few years. Unfortunately, like all trends, it's designed to be a moneymaker for some, pulling in individuals, who think they're part of something big and new, rather than just the way it's been and the way it should always be. If that's what it takes. Granted, not all the ideas in the link are feasible, but most are.

hive complete on Dec 17

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