Trial and Error

By DawnC

Water Variations

It's snowing here as I type, although not settling on the roads but it's very wet so the predicted ice may well be causing problems in the morning even if the snow isn't. I took this picture at a place in my village called Conford Park, which I'd never been to before, in between a hail storm in which I got drenched, and the rain that came before the snow. I like the way it shows water in various states: frozen, still, and falling, as well as catching the light and reflecting. Quite like it viewed large.

A busy day: got the kids off to school, took the dogs for a walk, went to work, bought a new furry and waterproof hat with ear flaps from a colleague*, popped in to see another colleague who is recovering (extremely well) from an op, took the dogs for another walk, took Son 2 for an eye test, came home, cooked, put the lights on the Christmas tree, and have now finally sat down.

*I am fast becoming the Imelda Marcos of hats

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