
By heraldino

Alveus VIII

Bad Frightening news: - The threat continues

Amidst the scramble of US politicians traveling to North Korea to make an attempt at talking some sense into an individual who doesn't seem to have any, North Korea continues to play the bully with their threats to unleash nuclear weapons on South Korea. For a long time, Kim Jong Il was under the impression that he had the complete support of the Chinese government, being his Communist big brother and all but WikiLeaks' unveiling of the US Sate Department cables showed him that they are getting sick of his shenanigans. He must feel rather cornered, like a rat about to drown on a ship; a very, very dangerous rat.

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Good news: - Absolutely, ban him!

It doesn't matter that Pastor Terry Jones claims that he would only speak out against radical Islamists rather than all Islam: the world will not accept him as a voice of reason or tolerance. He's achieved iconic status with his utter stupidity a few months back; inflaming hatred by threatening to burn copies of the Qur'an. Britain can't afford to seem sympathetic or tolerant of his extreme views. It's been months after that almost-international-incident; can't this joke of a man just go away?

hive complete on Dec 17

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