Odd offerings out & about

By roymci

Jasper and Nana

Today is Morag's birthday. I'd expected it to be a fairly quiet day and not to have many photographic blip opportunities. It has been a disappointment weatherwise despite the promise of Arctic assault and I've taken a pic of Mo with roses as my blip and felt pretty good about the choice (seen here) however...

This picture was taken 5 minutes after phoning the ambulance to come and save nana who'd collapsed. There were 4 of us at the table then but my big 6 foot son is still shattered and trying to calm down in the other room and my wife is through trying to console him.

The story is that we had decided to dine in and buy steaks then celebrate properly at the weekend when more people would be around.

What happened was Nana got up from the table, struggled through to the kitchen and then collapsed unconscious on to the floor. She also seemed to bleed from her nose but she told us later that it was just the red wine she'd tried to wash the steak down with. Anyway, as we gave our address to the emergency services, nana came round, hawked up a huge chunk of steak and went back to the table.

Jasper the cat's face shows that he knows that there is going to a fair bit of surplus steak because everyone (but nana) has lost their appetite.

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