
By cyclops

Christmas Tree

First attempt at a Blip.

I seem to take a photo of our christmas tree every year, this time I thought I'd try something different...

It took me about 10 attempts to get the cone in focus using the AF system, as the C7070 has an illuminator lamp that pretty much misses the frame in close-ups. To get focus I either need to put the cone in the center of the illuminated area, lock focus, then frame the shot I want, or turn the illuminator off. With the illuminator off the camera is struggling a bit for light... I was avoiding too much ambient light to the background blacked out rather than being full of distractions. I hate illuminator lamps.

At least close up avoids the other problem with a compact with built in flash, by eggagerating the distance between the flash and lense axes, so the image isn't too badly flattened out.

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