
By dogwithnobrain

We're sleeping underneath the same big sky

It's not the best picture in the world, but the moon was so beautiful last night, I just had to capture it.

Everyday, someone does something to make you realise that the world is a good place, and when there is this kind of good, then things have to work out.

Things don't always seem to be going the way we want them to, but sometimes they way we want them to maybe isn't the way it's supposed to end up.

Someone did something today that made my eyes fill with tears and make me glad that I'm know her.

When her action is realised, someone is going to be very happy, and a little bit of warmth and love will have stretched from one side of the Atlantic, to the other, and back again.

Thank you A. You are a precious star, and I am so glad that we are both under the same big sky.

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