Stormy Weather!
We seem to be having a lot of storms this year, and today was no exception.
It was really, really hot and still, and at 5pm it seemed to be hotter than ever. I got a phone call from Alexandra to say it was hailing where she was, but her car was under cover. It was still fairly clear where I was at home. The storm seemed to go around us.
Then about 6.30 the black clouds started to roll in, and they were very black. Then came the thunder and lightning and torrential rain. But it didn't last very long, about 20 minutes, and no hail, thank goodness.
Other areas have not been so lucky as us. Yesterday, Brisbane was trashed by a hail storm. There was so much hail, it looked like parts of Europe, with the snow. Except the kids were playing in the hail in shorts!!!
Apparently, it's not over yet, more storms to come.
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