
By Grandmama

Blizzard conditions.

I knew we couldn't escape it for long and now the snow is descending with a vengeance. It started during the night, eased off this morning and since lunchtime it's gone very dark and is coming down thick and furiously.
My daughter had 2 very lucky escapes when taking the children to school this morning when she skidded twice, stopping an inch or two short of a wall and then another car which stopped very suddenly in front of her. There were lots of collisions around the school but she arrived home unscathed, rang me and burst into tears with shock! Looks like I won't be going out for a day or two but my neighbour has just been with my newspaper - thanks so much, M.
This little fellow looks fed up with it already. I won't be able to see him in the garden very soon!

Take care everyone in these treacherous conditions, stay warm and try to enjoy the week-end!

My year ago Blip shows Fergal, who was our local homeless vagabond. He passed away recently and left quite an empty void in the town- so much so that there has been talk of erecting a Memorial in his honour! I think he's in a much better place rather than sleeping rough in this weather.

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