Double (festive) trouble

13 months 26 days

Gymnastics this morning was FANTASTIC! The girls had a complete blast. There was the biggest bouncy castle I've ever seen. And no children over 2 to scare the littlies off. Katie and Ava had one half of it to themselves for most of the time, hurled themselves down the slide, bounced off the walls and generally went a bit nuts (there was a little bouncing on each other too). They were very disappointed when it was deflated to play games. Although they were a bit more impressed when the games involved chocolate buttons. And a prize. Which Ava kindly shared with Katie. We got some extra time at the end, so they put the bouncy castle back up, much to the girls' delight. Just to top it all off, they got a present at the end as well!

We expected soft play to be a right disappointment after such a wonderful session, but there was a dinky bouncy castle there too! Two happy little girls playing on two bouncy castles!! It definitely helped cheer both girlies right up.

I took Katie to clinic at lunchtime just to get her checked. I came away complete lost for words. The health visitor told me (I swear this is true) that I should stop giving her fruit and veg and be giving her stodgy puddings and custard!! Katie is petite, but she's no waif... I'd have struggled to believe it, but she said it to another mum there too!!

Anyway, we did a bit of Christmas shopping after all that, then came home and sorted bedding etc out as tonight Granny and Grandad are coming to stay!

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