Stephanie's Shots

By stephanie

First Snow

When I left my apartment this morning at 6.30am to go to yoga at the gym at work, it was snowing! It snowed until early afternoon, and now we've got this layer of snow in town. Nobody is clearing anything of course - the Italians don't seem to know what to do about it - this photo was taken just now (6pm) - but luckily most has melted already on the busier roads. Hoping it won't be too bad tomorrow, when I start my journey across Europe!

I just remembered that there was supposed to be a Notte Bianca (white night) in town, a night of music and festivity. Well they sure got their white night, but not sure if the festivities will take place now - let's see in a bit.

Edit: while I was getting a take-away pizza in town, I noticed that the snow was indeed enough to cancel the special night. Also, I saw they have not completely forgotten what to do, there was a guy on a tractor dispatching salt in the streets in the old city centre :)

contrast +4

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