Only a little tiny piece of lapsed blipper Rodti's eldest Harvey's caterpillar-shaped birthday cake's decoration for the Lego Star Wars AT-ST pilot as he hasn't slaughtered his quota of Ewoks.
Rodti did vaguely remember that he means to post something again sometime although he's probably far too busy poncing about with his iPhone (he was one of the first ten people in the city to get one and was in the newspaper you know) to have any time spare for internet photoblogging. He did take a picture of my face this evening which I give him permission to use if it'll get him actively blipping again.
I had to run away after a couple of hours of party and chat to check that the cistern was still holding its water thanks to a new fibrous washer and an innovative fitment-tightening technique comprising removing everything, detaching the cistern from the bowl then tightening all the fitments back on whilst the cistern was upended in the bath where it was actually possible to get more than fifteen degrees' spanner-rotation without elbowing something or trapping a hand. It's still OK now which should hopefully satisfy the leaked-upon gentleman beneath and prevent us from having to pay anyone to fix things.
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