Today's the day

By sheilwill

Tigh Mhor

Today's the day ...................... to get away

Did you ever used to watch The A Team? Well, you know B A Baracas - the big, black chap with all the chains - he used to be scared stiff of flying. Whenever they had to fly off somewhere on one of their missions, the rest of the Team would grab him, inject him with something that would put him to sleep and then get him on the plane. He would wake up in time for the mission but have no memory of how he got there?!

That was a bit like me today. I really wanted to go to Scotland but I wasn't looking forward to the journey after all the dire weather warnings the Met Office have been dishing out.

As it happened, the journey was fine - I think we were actually heading away from the bad weather. And although the temperature was way below zero - the roads were fine. I even did a bit of driving myself which was very brave for me!

So this is the welcome sight of Tigh Mhor Trossachs - our castle home for the next week. Good eh?!

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