Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

trolley riding

Our plans for the day were scuppered by the snow unfortunately.

Louise and I were meant to be heading into Redhill to print some pictures she wanted from my camera. The traffic was so awful we abandoned and headed back to her house for some lunch. A couple of hours later we decided to go to Tesco near me instead to try and print the pictures there. We got there okay but the photo machines were not working. Agh! The girls meanwhile were both sitting in one trolley (a babyseat and a regular trolley seat) pinching each others dummies and generally annoying one another. I had to carry Amelie most of the way round. To be fair it was dinner time by this point so they had a reason to be grumpy. My arms were getting tired so I popped Amelie in the main bit of the trolley which she loved! She then stood up whilst the trolley was moving and had to be taken out before she fell out.

Come bed time she was very exciteable for reasons unknown. It made for an enjoyable bath and she surprisingly went down to sleep okay after some calpol for her teething pains. Like last night, she then woke up exactly four hours later (end of calpol) and just joined us in bed for the rest of the night.

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