Ben's View

By bendobb

Our House

We may live in a brown, 1960s bungalow, but this is our home. And we love it.

Me and Diane still vividly remember when we were viewing it 4 years ago when a rainbow came shining through the sky and a butterfly came twittering past as we looked in the garden. It was calling our names!

Now we have a family we're a little worried it's not quite big enough. But we love our house, our neighbours, our location. We don't want to move. So in the New Year I must go speak to the farmer and see if I can buy some field and extend into the garden. Fingers crossed.

Drive safely people.

A poem by Rehana Nazli

Home is not an ideal place
Home is based on realities
Home is where your love grows
Home is where you scream and fight
Home is where you live in peace

Home is where you feel belong
Home is also a shared space
Home is where we feel safe

Home is where you smell the rain
Home is where the sun shines
Home is where we bear the pain

Home is place for hide and seek
Home is where you fly kites
Home is where you play with dolls
There is no place like home

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