
By dailykeith

Tree socks

An excellent day today. thanks to the weather. The snow - yes, we finally had some - meant we had to stay in Bristol and we've had a great time wandering around markets, doing a spot of sightseeing, drinking coffee and snapping away at a city transformed by the elements.

We also did a fair bit of Christmas shopping, although half of it was us treating ourselves.

We both bought pairs of boots, a DVD to watch, luxury sausages, a wide range of toiletries and cups of coffee. I can't remember what we bought anyone else!

Anyway, among the predominantly white landscape was this amazing splash of colour outside St Stephen's Church in the city centre. I took a few shots without having a clue why these trees had been given their own surreal coverings.

I later discovered they were the church's colourful Christmas decorations made by an arts project working with people with learning difficulties.

What a brilliant and cheerful idea.You can read all about it here.

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