
By beveridge

The Glades Shopping Mall, Bromley, Kent

*Yawn* - exhausted, this morning was spent writing cards (ok so I'm really late but. .........) to post in UK, I queued for ages in the Post Office at least my overseas ones were sent a few days ago. I made the decision not to drive in the snow = if nothing else due to the lack of parking spaces at least my car is right outside my house so I can see it, which meant getting a bus - I waited for way over an hour for one to Bromley to do Christmas shopping so I was cold and tired before I hit the shops - did the shopping with a couple of bits for me (as you do!) then waited another hour for the bus back. Decided no-way could I face food shopping so that will have to wait until tomorrow.

These lights are in the shopping mall, I played around taking the same pic with different white balance settings and no flash and was amazed at the difference in colours, I've played before but this time the differences were much more apparent. I know this doesn't look busy but it was getting late and the shops were closing but it was pretty busy earlier considering the weather.

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