Day Of The Diva

By Katherineellis

Knitting at Gard Du Nord

I have had a hellish journey back from moscow! I was supposed to be back yesterday at 12 noon! My plane landed at Charles de Gaul due to the snow at Heathrow, the flight should be just under 4 hours, after 8 hours we were finally let out!
No Hotels, no vouchers, nothing!!
I met up with Booty Luv and their tour manager Becks on the pane, we have the same agent, then in the q we met up with a lovely governess called Jasmine and an Irish chap called Graham trying to get home from the oil rigs and another oil guy Peter, we formed a tight unit and stuck together!
We slept on the floor in the airport, there was no info and no help so we all decided to get the Eurostar today, especaily when we discovered that our plane had gone back to Moscow!! Having bought tickets we left departures and waited stressfully for our luggage, 3 hours later it turned up, cabs to Gard Du Nord, lovely lunch, then slammed my finger in a door, lots of blood and tears, then fought our way through the crowds to the Business lounge, phew... the train was overbooked but Jasmine, Peter and I got on it, Booty Luv caught the next one, Graham is still trying to get to Ireland...
Anyway I was impressed by this man knitting in the Business lounge as he waited for the train!
I am now at home, and I am knackered!!!!

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