Leaving for christmas - flying to Germany. Actually more sitting around than flying...
Left Musselburgh after riding in the morning at 1 pm, arrived in Düsseldorf at 2am... Should have had enough time to take loads of pictures, but I confess this is the only one and I only took it to have a blip for today, just wasn´t in the mood.
4 h of waiting in Glasgow, 40 min circling over Stansted - but the city lights shimmering pinkish through the fog looked great!
The poor Ryan-air passengers were running like a herd of unhappy cows through the airport to be shooed away everywhere: Go away from our gate! WE are NOT Ryan-air! If you don´t leave we will call the police. (Nearly expected them shooting in the air at this point...)
Hope that everyone gets home nicely this christmas!!!
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