
By angelicbrianne

Christmas Lights

At first glance, I can understand that is what most/everyone sees but what event happened before, during, and after these Christmas lights that were brightening up everyone's life, an event of greater significance was taking place.

For as long as I could remember, I knew that woman with the beautiful long hair, the familiar eyes and nose, and the love for her baby girl, was out there. I didn't know where her location was or if she even wondered where mine was, but I hoped that one day , that baby girl would look into the eyes of the woman who gave birth to her and finally be informed of her routes.

For longer than that little girl can remember, she always caught herself wondering if that man that most call dad, had her same height, the same silly genes, and the same exact love for music and good vibes. Of course she didn't find herself thinking that he could be wondering the same thing, but the thought never faded.

One day this little girl was face to face with two baseball cards, little did she know that the two young boys that stared back at her would share the same eyes and the same nose and have every interest identical to her own. A heart could not be more curious! These boys were recognized and familiar from a home video ages ago.

What is so special about December 18, 2010 you ask?

"hi!" is the first word she spoke as she entered the room of 9 in shock faces staring at her. Hug by hug the family that searched resource after resource, finally had their hard work pay off! They got to hold the baby girl that they so longed for to know about. That baby girl who always wondered about her family, finally had them all in one room! At one table!

The day was filled with happy tears, shocked hearts, eyes filled with thank you stares, arms that didn't want to release what was gone for so long and most of all, lives that were finally going to be complete!

Merry Christmas, Miranda, Andrew, Richard, Brianna, Lil Andrew, Adrian, Johnny, grandpa, Brianna's mama, and everyone else! This is one Christmas/year that will go in the books!

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