Nir Levy Photography

By nir

200 Miles, One Flat, One Hotel Room

Drove today for a good number of hours, delayed by a flat tire. I knew instantly I was doomed when I heard something hit my tire followed by the noise of metal hitting the bottom of the car. Seconds later, I heard that sound the car makes when there is no tire. Next thing I knew, I was replacing a tire on the side of the road. I got the tire off and everything but I wasn't sure how long the spare would take me. I was only half way there.

Thankfuly, someone stopped and gave me a ride. A nice 50 year old lady in amazing shape that told me she lives alone with her two dogs that were in her jeep. She had this whole nifty kit that costs less than a single tire. We used the kit to find the hole and fix my tire with new rubber.

Shortly after sunset, I got to my hotel relieved. I really wasn't expecting just how nice my hotel room would be. The next few days will be pictures of it. Just not sure what I will take. I remember seeing a commercial for a sink once and thinking how odd it was that kholer would have a commercial just for a sink. Well, this room has that sink. I feel a little spoiled.

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