Polar Bear Katie

13 months 29 days

This blip is for Uncle Simon, he likes Katie to be a bear and was disappointed that she hasn't got a winter bear suit at the moment (she makes an adorable bear) She has a monkey suit but she's not big enough for it yet. So here she is in her new polar bear dressing gown instead.

We had a really nice leisurely start to the day, pottering round, getting a few presents sorted that need posting today. Katie found and fed me a chocolate vienese whirl - I think she must have hidden it yesterday when she found one for herself!

We had a fantastic time at swimming, although none of us stayed in long as the pool and building generally were freezing. Katie and Ava had a splash fight half way through the lesson, and Katie enjoyed the baby diving. She had to swim in just her swim-nappy today as I hadn't realised she'd managed to get her swimsuit out of the bag this morning.

After swimming she sat snuggled in her dressing gown, eating flapjack, a new favourite snack! She had a nice run round with ava, having discovered a train-shaped room divider that looked rather interesting, before she had (rejected) her lunch. She did however use a straw for the first time, and was very excited by this.

We made a quick pit stop at tesco for more wrapping paper and tape, in the hope it will motivate me to get moving with the wrapping, before we headed home. She was asleep in less than a minute and is still asleep.

We're going to just potter round for the rest of the afternoon, it's still icy/snowy/very cold, although it has now 'warmed up' and is a tropical -4, compared to the -7 at 11am.

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