A Sasanach's Skye photos

By Sasanach

A set sun from The Lump in Portree

I've called it a set sun rather than a sunset on purpose because the sun will not truly set below the horizon for another hour. However for us in Portree it has set behind the hill. So now we begin to see some late afternoon colour and gradually the light will fade.

The photograph you see here started out as three seperate images which I have merged together. Then I ajusted the result to bring some light into the shadow. I then cropped out of it the subject you see here. I discarded more from the left than the right but both sides have been cropped in. I hope I have improved the image by thus cropping it.

Later it may have turned more pink but I regret I was getting very cold and so decided to head back indoors for a welcome mug of coffee.

Last night I went out with the camera and tripod to take some nightime pictures shooting images of 30 seconds in length, I took 20 pictures each taking at least a full minute to expose and then write to SD card and that using an extreme III card. Each image may have taken 3 or 4 minutes to set-up and prepare so by the time I had taken 20 in temperatures of about -7, I was really cold. Some of these images may appear on ePHOTOzine but also there are some on facebook

View the facebook images here

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