
By JulietLimaDelta

About a month ago, everyone at work was given a tube of Smarties. We were all asked to enjoy the chocolate and then fill the tubes with silver coins & return them to work. The money that was raised was to be given to Wishes 4 Kids, a local charity that has been supported by our company for the last couple of years. The incentive for us to return the tubes was that the emptied, returned tubes would be placed in a draw and a couple of 'winners' would be drawn.

I think it's a very worthy cause so, instead of giving Christmas Cards this year I decided to send everyone an electronic message and the money that I saved on cards was to be been donated to Wishes 4 Kids. This morning I walked down to the personnel department to hand over my £10 & found that my Smarties tube had been drawn & I'd won a £10 voucher.

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