Rich Dyson

By EdinImage

Double Secret Santa

Thanks to the prompt service from the good 'ol Royal Mail I have bought two Secret Santa gifts on the basis of Sod's Law kicking in (or is it Murphy's and I am going to get moderated?).

I ordered present number 1 on the 6th December from Firefox and was told it was dispatched on the 8th, plenty of time to arrive for 'Santa' arriving on the 23rd (kids, it's a part-time job that he does between Christmas Days). By Sunday when the present hadn't arrived I was starting to think it was caught up in the snow hell currently gripping England and it wouldn't arrive so I trundled on to Princes Street to find contingency present number two. By the time I had travelled from St James Centre to Jenners I'd had enough and went into Lush to buy some soapy stuff.

This is where Sod's Law kicked in and on my doormat was the helpful card from Royal Mail advising there was a parcel waiting for me next door. Present number one had defeated the odds and made it all the way to Edinburgh in a record breaking 12 days! Good work fella!

Now, does anyone want a Lush box?

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