Woke up and...

By vespa


Had two big feasts today. The first one was a HUGE breakfast spread at work (as seen in the photo above) meant as a end of the year thank you from the supervisors. So much good food. Photo credit goes to my supervisor since I wasnt there before the coworkers started digging in...just did some cropping and messing with the colors a bit.

Second feast was a potluck at bowling league to celebrate the end of the season. Once again I brought the only dish with vegetables, and hardly anyone touched it. I hate spending the time making somewhat healthy offerings nobody eats (this time it was a bean salad with chili lime dressing), but if I dont, there wouldnt be anything there I would want to eat...and I am not going to complain about the leftovers. One of these days maybe someone will thank me for bringing something other than the normal fried fare. Although its been over 3 years and countless potlucks and I am still waiting. I guess the bowling alley is no place for a bean salad.

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