Way of Life

By wayoflife


Phew, just back-blipped the last five days!

I had the unpleasant experience of dropping my camera the other day. Slow motion as it bounced off the ground with a definite thud and all that. Not fun at all! My angle viewfinder and lens hood took most of the impact thankfully, but viewfinder was too knacked to use. I went to the Nikon showroom in Shinjuku to see if they could do anything for it. I didn't have high hopes but my face must have said it all (kind of like when you ask your mam to stitch the arm back on your favorite teddy-bear) because it was good as new within 30 minutes for the spanking price of 1000 yen. Happy days!

Also, my self-imposed year of just using a fixed 50mm has come to an end with the purchase of the Nikkor 24mm F2.8D. Just using one focal length has been the best thing I've done for my photography; I really recommend giving it a try. Onwards and upwards with the wide-angle for now, though. Can it beat the nifty fifty? That is the question.

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