Bish, Bash......
......Bosch.....our new dishwasher is a thing of beauty and its change of status to Fully Functioning has come just in time for Christmas Day washing-up mountain.
Delayed start to the day as I had to consult with my personal physician over matters digestive. He advised me to drink more beer, or something like that....
Work was a busier than expected, but interesting and my soul felt fulfilled and nourished as I left the building this evening.
Now home, cooking-up a risotto masterpiece out of fridge and cupboard contents.
Received an e-mail from my cousin Mandy in Oz too. Great to hear from her and news of a new youngling cousin due to arrive next year. A scolding was delivered for insufficient family shots on my journal; that shall be remedied in the coming week with Christmas related gatherings.
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