Secret Santa

One of my work colleagues opening her secret santa present.

The first of her gifts was a pen that electrocutes you when you push the button and the other was willy hoopla (or cock-a-hoop as I said it should have been called <- this link is to said willy related toy gift so if you are offended then please don't click!)

I was given a day-by-day desk calendar that is a paper airplane for every day. How cool is that!

Someone else got a 'racing grannies' (wind up toy grannies with zimmer frames) game. A good laugh was had by all.

My mum arrives tomorrow for Christmas. If the trains are all working. Wish her luck!

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LOTD: I love the softness in From the North's " Forgetting the time that passed" blip and the creativity (and shadow) in TFP's "Acclimatisation" blip

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