
By SomeGuyInNJ

Coming in to Land

Today the address my GPS had listed for a store I was heading for about an hours drive away was completely wrong.

It took me into the middle of nowhere outside of the town I was meant to be in and told me that some run down house on a country road was the store...

On the broght side, the middle of nowhere is still somewhere and can sometimes have some interesting things.

While dragging the gps map around the screen to find roughly where the store was to get myself back on the right track I heard the noise of a large amount of geese. Stopping a little further up the road I could see they were thinking about landing. I got off several shots as they were on their way in.

Pity the trees were in the background as they would have looked great against a plainer background.

Anyways, you cant see much detail on this size, but you can see it larger here.

I also messed with the color temp and tint a little on this image to pop the birds out more... okay, so I ended up with a purple fence, but at least the birds pop a bit more

I should imagine that if he reads this the one eyed man from the valleys will call me a hypocrite for the bird shot :-)

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