Master Mariner

By MasterMariner

Kings and Queens

There is probably not one seaman in this world with more than three months experience who cannot tell you to what company this ship belongs. The combination of these colours is enough, or should be enough. It is a ship from the Japanese Sanko Line and this company has a fleet of 197 vessels totalling more than 13 million tons deadweight. I think with this number it also belongs to the biggest shipping companies in the world. So remember: Ivory-Yellow, Green and Red on the horizon, it is a Sanko Liner. From her starboard bow, you'll see her anchor hanging just above the water. That is called good seamanship, in pilot waters you better have one anchor ready to fall and an alert mate on the foc'sle. Just in case you're engine gives trouble and you have to stop the ship before the shore stops you.

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