
14 months 1 day

A lovely but busy day today. And definitely the start of festive goings-on, visits and the like. We went first to swap Christmas parcels with a friend, followed by a stop at tea and toast, where we were given another one for katie.

A friend, her husband and two children came for lunch and a play at our house. It was first time i've met husband, so it was really nice, the kids just came in and got on with it despite not being here since august.

Katie and mummy were tired after that (although katie slept through til 4.30 am, she then got up for a play for over an hour before conking out again, and mummy was up late doing jobs), so we both slept for a bit.

After a nap, it was off to see my sister and family. Katie spent over an hour bombing round the house, totally giddy to be there. She was determined to empty the contents of the biscuit box, trying to sneak one out everytime i wasn't looking - and apparently, she kept checking to make sure I really wasn't looking first

We swapped Christmas presents, but this time, the children all opened their presents. I was really glad as katie's face was just wonderful and I'm glad my sister got to see her. She got a My First Baby Annabel and was completely made up. It had all those stupid wire tags holding it to the box and Katie was frantic whilst I tried to wrestle this doll out. Annabel then got such a cuddle. The photo is Katie fascinated by her closing and opening eyes - she points to them and says 'eyes'.

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