
By Instography

News Steps

Last day in the office. All the project stuff finalised, tied off, put to bed, laid to rest, done and dusted, etc, etc. Now it's just a morning of working at home and we can all relax and become festive. After the last wee bits of shopping are done.

Not exactly a difficult day. Most of the finalising, tying, putting, laying, doing and dusting has already been done so the long mosque lunch, preceding the difficult meeting and followed by the irritating tendering nonsense that I'd love to rant about but won't, fitted in nicely.

Then to Spoon for chat with fellow Blipfoto types although always with one eye on the happenings on the railways assessing the changing probabilities of getting home. As it turned out the trains weren't too bad although filled with fractious people who seem to think that glowering at the ticket man or ranting at the chap on the platform will get them home a second faster. They're doing their best in the coldest December for 30 years. Jesus. And when I got home, I found a cheque for £20 from Scotrail compensating me for my four hours stuck on a train last week. I wonder if I should tell them that I hadn't actually bought a ticket by the time I got off?

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