Think, try, share

By JonBusby

Luck & Lo

I was going to do a relatively dull Blip about me descaling my Gaggia tonight.

But as I went to bed I found this card and 20p on my pillow. It was left for me by my daughter Lois.

We had been out this evening and she found it, a penny for luck.

I was a bit grumpy and alluded that, having taken her to the cinema today, it was a bit selfish to keep it.

Now I am not desperate for 20p, just conscious that other people matter in life and want both of my children to appreciate that.

The double whammy to her was that I said Oscar was more selfless and would have offered it to me, if only as a gesture.

Well she truly hoisted me by my own petard. In this act of unrequested, utter selflessness she has completely undone me and demonstrated, admirably, how I can learn so much from her.

Lois my head will rest on my pillow tonight full of love and admiration for you.

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