The Kingdom of Blue


Man of No Importance

I am still travelling from Pakistan to Scotland and there are a lot of delays. So I took this picture and Me-phoned this at SOL-speed (SOL = Speed of Light) to show you Toby.

I still need to get myself a I-phone, so this old fashioned and low quality Me-phone will just have to do in the me-time.

Toby is one of many in the world and he is good. He is very good in what he doing or not doing. That is why he became the Chief Checker Out (CCO)

As CCO he confirmed that he is an excellent "looker-on" who can do nothing more than sit and "check things out". Almost like the CEO of a bank or something. But Toby is a man of no importance in the Kingdom of Blue.

He is checking out if the Kingdom of Blue is going to find enough willing hearts and hands to knit one million teddies or make other soft toys to give to a million small children who have difficulties. He is also checking out if this will be hand-made and not mass-produced in China or somewhere and sold to make other people rich and Bankers happy.

He is checking out if anyone is going to send an e-mail to me on my new e-mail address to be personally informed about our Kingdom of Blue strategies and to help form a CNN (Constant Nit Network). Se e-mail address in yesterday's blip.

My Mentor (Dt T) says that we must be carefull with the word "knit" as there is not a big difference between knit and news. Many things knitted as news are just like knitting stories based on what one person thinks and then force others to believe that it is true.

As the CCO Toby is not aware of the fact that there is fire in the equations. He thinks he is just looking at another picture and he thinks it is like knitted news. But it is not because it is true.

Maybe that is why he is called Toby.
Must have something to do with one of the great questions of the world that I also learned from my Mentor:

"To be or not to be: that is the question
Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer...
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles"


This is like "Toby or not Toby"

Because there are so many "looker-on's" on the internet that can be converted I will have my own Facebook Group and Blog soon to ensure that I reach my objectives. We are indeed going to "go places" and have real fun!

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