
By MallyC

Wall art.....

After cleaning and scrapping 2kg of Kakanui jersey benne new potatoes (small) the mother and I deserved a coffee so loaded ourselves and the dog into the Mazda and drove up to Maori Hill (a hillside suburb of our beautiful city) for a coffee and muffin. On the outside back wall of the establishment I noticed this clever idea. Most effective and a great way to utilise a dead space. The ivy wraps around from a small coutyard at the side of the building.

Good coffee and the muffins were still warm from the oven. Mine was apricot and white chocolate - mmmm mmmm

Ham cooking in the oven, potatoes done, gifts wrapped, so I wish you all a very merry christmas and hope you all enjoy the day. For those of you up in the frigid north we are thinking of you and hope the sun shines down upon you.

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